It was a tiring weekend for having attended a full 3-day seminar training myself to have a millionaire mindset. Below are some of the wise words that I learned during the seminar. Pictures are taken from the posters displayed outside the training ballroom.

Wise Words

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Do these quotes or wise words ring a bell in your ears? You probably have heard enough of these rhetoric wise words from many sources such a good success book, from an audio book, from a motivation CD and even by searching through the Google. I am not going to explain or elaborate how these words are explained in the seminar as it is pointless because I believe the best way to fully understand the meaning is to EXPERIENCE it yourself.

To be frank, initially I really had doubts of such kind of training or seminar as in the past I had attended many kinds of motivation courses, some paid and some for free. It was the same for this one.

To my surprise, after the first half day of the seminar my inner mind started to change. Towards the end of the 3-day programme I was convinced that whatever that I unlearned and learned during the training would have a tremendous impact in my live.

Does it sound like I am advertising for the organizers? No, no, don’t get me wrong. I do not get a single dime for writing this blog. And I also had to pay to attend this seminar, including the meals, parking and what about my precious family time during the weekend of Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Do you have a millionaire mind? Are you a millionaire now?

So come back to my blog title: Do you have a millionaire mind? Are you a millionaire now?

Am I saying that after attended this course, I will be a millionaire overnight? I certainly do not mean that. All what I can say is that NOW I have with me the secrets of the millionaire mind. I know exactly why some people are filthy rich and some people are still the same financially or on a personal level not successful after many years of struggle.

So what is this course all about and what is the name of the course? By now some of you might already known the answer. If you still do not know, here it is.


It is called The Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI in short) which is a T. Harv Eker signature programme. Another secret of mine is that I bought his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” I guess 2 years ago and didn’t finish reading it and it was put on shelf to collect dust. After attending the seminar, I revisited the book and soon found that it is indeed a book which will have life changing effects on you.

You too can have a millionaire mind! Do you want to have the mindset of a millionaire? It is still not too late, you could get more information from here if you are from Malaysia and here if you are from outside Malaysia.

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